Make a donation.

RISE aims to provide safe and meaningful programming to all DC-based young adults with disabilities.  We strive to keep costs low for participants so anyone who may benefit can access social groups and services to help build greater independence. Donations help cover overhead costs of programming, and allow more participants to join the RISE community.

  • $25 donation covers the cost of materials for 3 STEM or art activities.

  • $50 donation covers the cost of ingredients for one week of simple meal preparation.

  • $100 donation covers the cost of metro passes for community outings for one month.

**RISE DC is a for-profit business at this time, therefore donations are not tax-deductible.


Our Amazon Wishlist.

RISE has an Amazon Wishlist with a variety of items that allow us to explore new activities with our participants as we grow. We recently acquired a new office, and are in the process of furnishing the space and adding participant work stations.  We want our space to be fully accessible via Smart Technology, so all participants, regardless of how they communicate and access the world around them, can control parts of the space. 

We want the ability to show off our space to participants, support teams, businesses, and the community so they can see the amazing adaptations, modifications, and sensory components that are commercially available to make any space accessible.

Your support by purchasing items from our Amazon Wishlist will help make these aspirations come to life and directly benefit the participants we work with!

**RISE DC is a for-profit business at this time, therefore donations are not tax-deductible.